Cameron Kruger developer & hacker

Hi there, I'm Cameron

What interests me: participating in niche communities, uncovering emerging tech, and seizing untapped opportunities. That's why I was the 'Linux proselytizer' in high-school, writing scripts for roleplay game servers as a side hustle, and trading tokens on EtherDelta (RIP ❤️) at 18.

Fast-forward to today, and I've channeled that passion into my work. Currently, I'm optimizing trading systems to be more robust through automation, modernizing our backend to scale, and assisting traders in discovering alpha. I've also developed several widely used internal tools & libraries to help devs & quants alike.

When I hear about a team tackling a complex problem in an innovative way, I'm all ears. But more than just ideas, I'm drawn to people who know how to execute. If you're part of a team like that and need someone to help make things happen, drop me a line or connect with me on one of the links above ⬆️. Always happy to chat.

Languages I know

Tech I like

(🖱️ click icons above for more detail 🧐)

Featured Projects


I led a duo of my friend and I during GMU's PatriotHacks hackathon. We ended up winning with our Flask and MongoDB based paper trading app for cryptocurrency.

Solana-based 1v1 game

Though I'm quite busy at work, I'm also currently building on some new ideas in the Solana space, including a fast-paced 1v1 game with stakes (POC/WIP right now!)